Elizabeth Ekman

Elizabeth Ekman

Phd., Psychology,
Lic. Psychoterapist, Supervisor and Education manager

Has over 40 years of psychotherapeutic work in hospitals, with inpatients and outpatients, treating various disorders such as anxiety, eating disorders, depression, psychosis, autism /ADHD with CBT. Private Practice since – 1993. Worked with athletes and as a consultant to National sports federation and Swedish Olympic Committee.Supervision and lecturing for doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, nurses as well as sport psychologist since 1993.

Online Educational programs for CBT since 2009. Several national and international workshop presentations as well as open papers and case presentations such as Psychosis, ASD /ADHD and CBT. Elizabeth Ekman is specialized in /ADHD and CBT.

Online Educational programs for CBT 

We offer programs in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT 

Regardless of whether you are already educated or completely inexperienced in CBT, we have programs at different levels, from advanced to less demanding with varying length of educational time.

We have specialist training in ASD/ADHD and CBT, 

Coming soon: in EnglishStrengths and Weaknesses of the Cognitive Profile of Autism and ADHD from a Cognitive Behavioral Perspective – Treatment, Prevention and the Understanding of the Comorbidity.

4 day program: 175 €


Please contact us

Elizabeth Ekman

 Phone: +46 (0) 707884918